Saturday 23 November 2013

IUCDs - Hormone releasing intrauterine contraceptive devices

C. Hormone releasing intra-uterine contraceptive devices:
In 1973, hormonal IUDs with effective life span and lower failure rate (eg. Progestasert and LN 20) were invented.

Progestasert :
Progestasert contains 38mg of progesterone dispensed in silicone oil.
And delivers 65 micrograms/day. Reduces the menstrual flow.
Needs to be replaced every year. Can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Levonorgestrel IUD 20 (LNG20, MIRENA, LEVONOVA): Levonorgestrel IUD 20 is a longer acting harmone releasing device.
Vertical arm has steroid capsule with 40-60mg of levonorgestrel , releasing 20 micrograms/day. Mirena has 52mg of LNG, with this stable plasma level of 150-200pg/mg can be attained.
Failure rate is – 0.09/100 women years.

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