Friday 1 March 2013

HIV – Pregnancy - 1

-There are around 40 million HIV/AIDS infected people in the world.
-Around one third of the new cases are resulting from heterosexual transmission. And in them two-thirds are women.
-Incidence of HIV/AIDS in pregnancy varies from 0.3% to 2%.

Causative organisms:
-Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS) is caused by DNA retroviruses termed as human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1 and HIV-2.
-Worldwide most of the cases are caused by HIV-1.
-Whereas HIV-2 infection is endemic in West Africa.
-These retroviruses contain genome that encodes reverse transcription of DNA from RNA.
-So the virus can make its own DNA copies in host cells.

-By infected blood and blood products.
-Sexual transmission by saliva, vaginal secretions and semen.
-It is the major mode of transmission.
-Vertical transmission possibly by placenta and membranes can occur.
-The baby can acquire the infection mainly during labor or after delivery through breast milk.

Clinical features:
Acute illness or acute retroviral syndrome:
-It usually starts within days o weeks after exposure.
-Generally it is similar o other viral syndromes.
-It usually lasts less than 10 days.
-Presenting symptoms:
  Nigh sweats
  Vomitings & diarrhea etc.

Chronic viremia begins after symptoms abated.
The stimulating factors which lead to further progression of asymptomatic viremia to the immunodeficiency syndrome are not well defined.
Usually the median time is about 10 years.

-HIV positivity in association with any number of clinical findings can be considered as AIDS.
-Generalized lymphadenopathy, oral hairy leukoplakia, opthous ulcers and thrombocytopenia are commonly seen clinical features.
-The opportunistic infections that may herald AIDS are:
Ø      Esophageal or pulmonary candidiasis
Ø      Persistent herpes simplex or zoster
Ø      Condylomata accuminata
Ø      Tuberculosis
Ø      Cytomegalovirus infection
Ø      Molluscum contagiosum
Ø      Pneumocysis infections
Ø      Toxoplasmosis etc.
-Neurological disease is common. About half of patients will have central nervous system symptoms.
-CD4+ count of less than 200/micro lit is also considered diagnostic for AIDS.

(The viewers are invited to post comments or ask questions related to the topic through comment box.)

1 comment:

  1. Human conception requires an egg and sperm. Poor ejaculation ,If you're not ovulating, you won't be able to get pregnant. Anovulation is a common cause of female infertility and it can be triggered by many conditions. PCOS,Over/underweight,primary Ovarian insufficiency,a thyroid dysfunction,.,hyperprolactinemia, irregular cycle, Blockage in the Fallopian Tubes, UTI. when the eggs release from the Ovary did not get to the Fallopian tubes you can not get pregnant Therefore use AGBARA Herbal Cleanser to clean up all this Infertility pains in Your Body and get pregnant However, regular menstrual cycles don't guarantee that ovulation is occurring.
    Agbara Herbal Cleanser is rich in fibre that help to remove excessive estrogen that may be stored in your body and prevent your uterus to suffer from fibroids, Pcos, Ovarian Cyst. And regulate your period. Always remember that many people are not eating the right foods like beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and whole grain in their diet to keep their uterus and ovaries healthy. Because of this, Agbara herbal cleanser is good for anybody mostly women who want to get pregnant and prevent other infection in their body..
