Saturday 8 February 2014

Causes of bleeding from clitoris during menstruation

Some women complain of bleeding from the clitoris during menstruation.
Though it is rare, sometimes this can be seen due to causes like:
-Most common cause is mistaking the normal menstrual flow as clitorial bleed.
Sometimes menstrual blood can get attached to clitoris and can give a picture like bleeding from clitoris.
And the women may attribute it as clitorial bleeding.
-Injuries or abrasions at clitoris. While using tampons sometimes abrasions can occur over clitoris and that can lead to spotting.
Small abrasions may go unnoticed but when spotting occurs from them, that is mistaken as clitorial bleeding.
-Vicarious bleeding.
Sometimes during menstrual flow bleeding can be seen from other parts of the body.
Like that bleeding can occur from clitoris also.
-Presence of ectopic endometrial tissue at the clitoris and that can bleed during periods.
Sometimes endometrial tissue can present outside the uterus also. That can bleeding during menstruation under hormonal influence.

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