Thursday 5 December 2013

Menorrhagia - definition, causes, differential diagnosis

Definition :
 Abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding during periods is called menorrhagia.
Usually this can be taken as menstrual flow more than 80ml in a month.
Having heavy flow for more than 7days can also be considered as menorrhagia.
Passage of clots and difficulty in doing day to day activities can be seen menorrhagia.
This can occur due to many causes, like :
- Hormonal imbalance:
Imbalance between estrogen and progesterone can lead to menorrhagia.
-Dysfunction of ovaries:
Decreased production of progesterone from ovaries can lead to estrogen predominance. And that can lead to menorrhagia.
-Thyroid hormonal abnormalities
-Structural causes like adenomyosis, fibroids, endometrial polyps, cervical erosion etc.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis etc by increasing the local blood supply.
-Coagulation abnormalities
- Liver, kidney diseases.
-Intake of hormonal pills.
Especially repeated intake of emergency pills can lead to irregular cycles.
-Intrauterine contraceptive devices - Intake of drugs like anti inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants etc.

Around the age of menarche some amount of fluctuation in hormones is common.
That can lead to menorrhagia and that is called as puberty menorrhagia.
In perimenopausal age group also, some amount of irregularity in menstrual cycles is common due to hormonal imbalance.
But menorrhagia can occur at any age due to different causes as mentioned above.

Differential diagnosis :
°Bleeding in pregnancy, abortion. Some women may not aware of pregnancy and can interpret bleeding due to abortion, retained products etc as menorrhagia.
°Post coital bleeding.
Sometimes post coital tears can present as menorrhagia.

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