Friday 29 November 2013

Chronic uterine inversion

Occasionally uterus undergoes incomplete inversion which is often over looked.
May be due to:
 Pedunculated tumor.

Senile inversion because of atonicity of cervix.

Clinical features:
Vaginal discharge
Irregular bleeding
Low backache
Chronic pelvic pain etc.

On examination:
Infected hemorrhagic mass in the vagina.

Differential diagnosis:
Sloughing polyp
Retained portion of placenta.

1) Clear up the infection by antiseptic packing of the vagina.
2) If prolapsed fundus is clean then replacement can be tried with special repositor- aveling's repositor.
Surgical procedures:
Vaginal – Spinelli procedure Abdominal – Huntinton's procedure, Haultain's procedure and Ocejo procedure.
In multiparous – Vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy