Monday 28 October 2013


 Ovulation means releasing of the partially matured ovum from dominant ovarian follicle.
This released ovum will be taken up by the fallopian tube and transferred to uterus.
Fertilization can occur during the transfer or in the uterus.
This usually occurs at the middle of the cycle.
In case of 28 days cycle, ovulation usually occurs between 12th to 16th days.
In case of 30 days cycle, ovulation may occur between 14th to 18th days.
This calculation will help to plan the pregnancy and also to prevent the pregnancy by planning the intercourse accordingly.
Ovulation can be tracked by methods like basal body temperature method, cervical mucus method, ovulation kits, follicular study etc.
Ovulation is influenced by hormonal levels.
Fluctuation in the hormonal levels can affect the ovulation and fertility. Estrogen predominant phase is follicular phase.
After that ovulation occurs leading to luteal phase, which is progesterone predominant phase. LH and FSH hormones peak during ovulation.
This helps in detecting the ovulation by kits.
Release of ovum from ovarian follicle

1 comment:

  1. Human conception requires an egg and sperm. Poor ejaculation ,If you're not ovulating, you won't be able to get pregnant. Anovulation is a common cause of female infertility and it can be triggered by many conditions. PCOS,Over/underweight,primary Ovarian insufficiency,a thyroid dysfunction,.,hyperprolactinemia, irregular cycle, Blockage in the Fallopian Tubes, UTI. when the eggs release from the Ovary did not get to the Fallopian tubes you can not get pregnant Therefore use AGBARA Herbal Cleanser to clean up all this Infertility pains in Your Body and get pregnant However, regular menstrual cycles don't guarantee that ovulation is occurring.
    Agbara Herbal Cleanser is rich in fibre that help to remove excessive estrogen that may be stored in your body and prevent your uterus to suffer from fibroids, Pcos, Ovarian Cyst. And regulate your period. Always remember that many people are not eating the right foods like beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and whole grain in their diet to keep their uterus and ovaries healthy. Because of this, Agbara herbal cleanser is good for anybody mostly women who want to get pregnant and prevent other infection in their body..
