Monday 10 June 2013

Causes of bleeding per vaginum other than miscarriage in early pregnancy

Sometimes women will complaint of bleeding or spotting in the early pregnancy.
Apart form impending abortion, ectopic pregnancy etc,  there are other benign causes that can lead to spotting in the early pregnancy.
 -In early pregnancy the growing gestational sac can damage some blood vessels in the uterine cavity while getting embedded into it.

Gestational sac

 And that presents as spotting.
 Sometimes excessive collected blood can form a subchorionic hemorrhage.

-Some women may have bleeding on their expected days of periods even in pregnancy.
And they can interpret it as normal menstruation or as miscarriage.
As in early pregnancy the gestational sac will not completely cover the uterine cavity, blood from the cavity will come out.

-Increased blood supply to local organs can cause spotting even on mild friction.
 Coitus, journey etc can lead to spotting in these cases.

So bleeding in early pregnancy can be due to these causes also.
But if there are any associated symptoms like pain abdomen or if spotting continues or increases better to consult the doctor to rule out the possibility of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy etc.

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