Wednesday 8 August 2012

Emergency contraceptive pill - short term and long term side effects due to repeated usage

The short term side effects of emergency contraceptive pill are,
-they can cause menstrual irregularities like,
if taken in the first half of cycle they can prepone the menstruation, if taken in the second half they can postpone the menstruation.
They can lead to spotting, brownish discharge etc in between periods,
-nausea, vomitings, fluid retention, bloating sensation of the abdomen, breast tenderness, headache, sinus congestion etc symptoms can occur.
-less effective than regular pills with around 13% of failure rate,
-will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases,

Long term side effects:
-Because of repeated usage of pill the pattern of ovulation can change, it may become delayed or gets inhibited which will cause problem in getting pregnant for some months.
-if pregnancy occurs after repeated intake of pill baby may have some kinds of defects,
-repeated usage will decrease the effectiveness of the pill,
-it can affect the growth of endometrium leading to altered menstruation that can lead to amenorrhea or polymenorrhea,
-if used frequently with less than two months interval, that can lead to arrest of growth of ovum leading to formation of cysts that may lead to poly cystic ovarian disease sometimes according to few studies.

( The viewers are invited to post comments and ask questions related to the topic through comment box.)


  1. hello DR.
    i want to ask about my increased duration of periods. i had unprotected sex on 1st dec. and took morning after pill within 2 hours. i had my periods started on 15th december. and they are not stopping. they keep getting heavy or less. but do not stop. what should i do? and will my blood tests show that i have taken such pills? plz guide me

    1. Hi Hira shah,
      Please mention the details about:
      -Your age
      -Previous regular cycles or not
      -Last menstrual period date
      -Parity (number of children etc.)
      If you provide these details I can guide you better.
      Blood tests usually will not detect the hormonal levels of the pill after 1 month of usage.
      Take care.

  2. I took ipill after protected sex (but due to fear) and i got bleeding after 7 days. After that i did'nt get periods for 2 months. twice negative pregnancy test. How can i get periods naturally??

    1. Hi,
      The bleeding you got after using I pill could be withdrawal bleeding due to the hormonal effect of the pill.
      I pill can lead to menstrual irregularity.
      The other causes of menstrual irregularities are:
      -Hormonal disturbances due to weight changes, alterations in diet or exercise schedules etc.
      -Polycystic ovary disease
      -Thyroid hormonal abnormalities
      -Anemia etc.
      So, as you didn't get periods for two months, better to consult gynecologist once and get evaluated.
      Then with her advice you can take tablets for withdrawal bleeding.
      Correcting the cause for abnormality is the way of getting periods.
      Take care.
