Thursday 26 March 2015

Effect of tetracyclines on contraceptive pills

What is the effect of tetracyclines on combined oral contraceptive pills?

Tetracyclines like doxycycline, mini cycling etc can affect the function of combined oral contraceptive pills by affecting the absorption of hormones especially oestogen component.
So, during the usage of tetracyclines, additional contraceptive measures like condoms are advised.
Take care.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Galactorrhea with oc pills

Can oral contraceptive pills can lead to Galactorrhea?

Yes. Sometimes combined oral contraceptive pills can lead to galactorrhea(milk secretion from breast) in non pregnant women due to the estrogen component in them.
Estrogen can suppress the prolactin inhibitory factor from hypothalamus and also can stimulate pituitary lactotrophs leading to galactorrhea. Sometimes estrogen withdrawal can also lead to galactorrhea. Because lack of estrogen leads to absence of the inhibitory effect on prolactin hormone at the breast and can cause galactorrhea. 

Emergency pill while on IUCD

Is emergency pill intake is required after intercourse while being on IUCD?

Usually intrauterine contraceptive device is inserted around 5th or 6th day of menstrual cycle.
So, if IUCD is inserted during the end of  menstrual period, it will start giving protection from that month itself and protection will be continued till the period mentioned on IUCD like 3 years, 5years etc depending on the hormone content in it.
So, additional protection like emergency pill is not required while using IUCD.

Treatment options for endometriosis

 The treatment options of endometriosis depends on the severity of the symptoms and the extent of the tissue involvement.
Hysterectomy is not the treatment of choice in all the cases.
If endometriosis involvement is minimal with mild symptoms, that can be dealt with analgesics to relieve the pain and hormonal therapy to shrink the tissue.
In severe cases only surgery may be needed, in that also laparoscopic surgery can be done to remove the endometriotic tissue.
In extreme cases and in women who have completed their family, hysterectomy may be attempted.
Ultrasound helps in identifying the extent of the tissue. Sometimes diagnostic laparoscopy may be needed to identify the endometriosis and its extent.