Monday 28 May 2012

Detection of pregnancy - Urine and blood tests

To detect pregnancy both blood tests and urine tests are available.
There are three types of blood tests to detect pregnancy. 
1.       Quantitative blood tests:
pregnancy is generally detected in blood tests by estimating the levels of HCG( Human chorionic gonadotropin).
These can be detected in blood after implantation.
Usually implantation occurs 6 to 12 days after fertilization.
Means as ovulation usually occurs in 12 to 16 days of first day of menstruation, the time of implantation will be around 20 to 26 days from first day of menstruation.
These quantitative tests can detect HCG levels even at 1 mIU/ml.
So by this test we can detect the pregnancy around 25th to 26th day of cycle in case of regular periods.

2.      Qualitative tests:
this tests can detect pregnancy at HCG levels of 25mIU/ml.
 They are less sensitive and by this test pregnancy can be detected after missed period.

3.      Rosette inhibition assay test:
it detects EPF(early pregnancy factor) instead of HCG.
This EPF can be detected in pregnancy within 48 hours of fertilization.
So it can detect pregnancy around 16 to 18 days from first day of periods.
But this test is expensive and available in few centers only.

Urine tests to detect pregnancy:
Urine pregnancy kits usually detect pregnancy at HCG levels of 20mIU/ml to 100mIU/ml.
Their sensitivity depends on the brand and level of HCG they will detect.
They can detect pregnancy at the time of missed period or within 1 week of missed period depending on sensitivity.

Friday 25 May 2012

Itching over abdomen in pregnancy

Itching of the abdomen is a normal finding in pregnancy.
It occurs because of,
-As the uterus grows with the progression of pregnancy, skin stretches to accommodate it  by separation of collagen fibers which will lead to moisture deprivation.
-Changes in levels of hormones during pregnancy is also one cause.

Itching because of stretching is commonly felt on the abdomen, breast, thighs etc. 

But if generalized itching is present it may indicate some underlying problem like cholestatic disease etc.

To get relief from itching,
-          use luke warm water for bath, avoid hot shower baths.
-          mild soap or shower gel to be used, it should be rinsed well and towel off lightly.
-          Then apply cream containing vitamin E and alovera like ‘Elovera cream’.
-          Anti-itch lotion like pink calamine lotion can be used.
-          should not scratch.
-          Choose loose cotton clothes.
-          Avoid going out in hot weather.
-          Excessive weight gain to be avoided.

-          Good hydration and balanced nutrition to be maintained.
 -          Avoid continuously sleeping in same position.

Thursday 10 May 2012


Eosinophils are the cells produced in bone marrow and found in blood stream and gut lining.

The help in fighting against infections and parasitic infestations.
The normal eosinophil count should be not higher than 350 eosinophils per microL of whole blood.
 If it more than 400 per microL it is called as eosinophilia, means presence of abnormal high amounts of eosinophils in blood and body tissues.

It is seen in conditions like,
hay fever,
 lung diseases like  Loeffler's syndrome, 
vasculitis as in Churg-Strauss syndrome,   
tumours like lymphoma, 
cirrhosis of the liver, 
in antibody deficiency cases,
 in some skin disorders etc.
If cause is not known it is called as hypereosinophilic syndrome.
The symptoms depends on cause like,
wheezing and breathlessness in asthma,
abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fever, rashes etc in parasitic infestation.
To treat eosinophilia, the cause should be treated,

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cough and cold in pregnancy

 Though cough and cold are quite common but when they occur in pregnancy they should be treated carefully.
Normal dry cough won’t affect the baby much but if severe cough is there with expectoration it can affect the baby by,
- while coughing increased abdominal pressure will lead to rupture of chorionic membranes and leakage of amniotic fluid sometimes.
- the underlying cause of cough can affect the baby like in case of cough due to some infections, the infecting organism can affect the baby also.
But  there are natural protectors inside the body like, the amniotic fluid will protect the baby from the increased pressure while coughing. And placental barrier to some extent will prevent the entry of organisms from the mother to the baby.
Cough syrups will contain different ingredients meant to reduce particular symptoms of cough like anti histamines, cough suppressants, expectorants, decongestants and analgesics.
 The recommendations during pregnancy are,
-Anti histamines to reduce inflammation, in pregnancy the safe antihistamines are loratadine, doxylamine, diphenhydramine etc.
-Cough suppressants to stop coughing, dextromethorphan is considered to be safe.
-Expectorants to dilute the mucus, guaifenesin is relatively safe in second trimester.
-Decongestants to reduce the congestion of sinuses, pseudoephydrine hydrochloride is considered to be safe.
-Analgesics to relieve the pain, acetaminophen is considered to be safe.
According to above combination the cough syrup can be choosed. But those containing alcohol to be avoided. Along  with this the underlying cause to be treated.

The natural remedies for cough and cold are increasing water intake also other fluids like soups, juices, warm tea can be taken which will dilute the mucus secretions.

Inhaling steam also do same thing and also decrease sinus congestion, to treat sore throat you can use lozenges tea with honey also help. By adding moisture to air with humidifier cough can be improved.
If cough is getting increased due to supine position semi-recumbent position can be opted   by putting pillows under head and back.